We are Scrum Vibers, a community of practice where professionals within the Agile community can share their knowledge and skills. The community meets on Club House every Tuesday, Thursday, and alternate Sunday, with an attendance of between 170-300 people weekly and still growing. This community was created by Coach J., who has worked in the IT field for 13 years, serving in a number of roles in the IT space. He has been a project manager, business analyst, and currently, a product owner with triple Agile Certification. Before he created the Scrum Vibe community, he ran a platform called CarpeDiem, which focuses on building, coaching, and mentoring strong professionals. CarpeDiem offers a number of packages, including Scrum Master Training, Interview Preparation, Mentorship, Investment Basics, and Staffing Services. As the platform grows, so does the community of practice.
What are you waiting for? Join our vibrant and fun community of practice on Club House to gain knowledge and be part of this growing community.