Commitment, Consistency, and Defining Our Own Standards
In this article, I will attempt to weave a medley of all the things I’ve touched on in my numerous “rants” and moments of “Vawulence”

Embracing the Present: A Tribute to Life’s Impermanence
Life is a mix of moments, each unique and irreplaceable. Just last month, I had written about steadfast rhythms of existence, acknowledging the need to

Vibing Through Life’s Seasons: The Power of Steadfast Rhythms
Life is much like the ebb and flow of the seasons; ever-changing, sometimes unpredictable, but always moving in a set rhythm. As a community, we

Favorite Excerpts from My Personal Journey
As we venture through life’s intricate dance, timeless wisdom often serves as our guiding light. Marcus Aurelius, the esteemed Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher, penned
Scrum Master as an Impediment Remover
The Scrum Master As An Impediment Remover As an impediment remover, the Scrum Master supports the team in solving problems. Scrum Masters try to increase
Scrum Master as a Teacher
The Scrum Master As A Teacher As a teacher, the Scrum Master explains the Scrum framework and how it helps to be effective in complex